Christian Business Referral Network

"Connecting the world with Christ Centered Businesses"

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Christian Business Referral Network Testimonials

what our customers have to say

Rebecca Solera - Solera Dental Spa

“I would be stating the obvious to say that we work in a culture that pushes successfully for businesses to seek financial gain above all else. I am thrilled that someone finally thought to publish a Guide that allows me as a consumer and a business owner to deal with people who have similar values. The Christian Business Referral Network proposes a new level of accountability in advertising and business practices that gives me greater confidence in my choices as a customer. It also inspires a greater trust of those patients who would choose our office because we a Christians. This was an inspired idea! WE LOVE BEING IN PART OF THIS!

Gary Brown – Carpet One - Northwest Arkansas

I believe strongly in The Christian Business Referral Network and their mission to connect Christians with Christ centered businesses. I am very thankful this network exists. I use it personally as well as in business and it is always my first choice to go to when services are needed. It truly blesses me to have this available for my customers as well as my employees. May God continue to bless you in your ministry.”

Dr. Harry Black – Capital Baptist Association – Oklahoma City

"I am writing to let you know about Integrity Publishing and the Christian Business Referral Network. I have known this company for about ten years. I was convinced that this could be an amazing resource for church members  and staff, as well as the Christian business owners who wanted to make a spiritual and cultural difference in our region. Once the project was complete and the Guides were made available, I was thrilled, as were people in our churches. Christian churches still get a free listing; the plan of salvation and spiritual helps are clearly presented at the front of the Guide; and every advertiser is asked to sign a document affirming Christian business standards and practices."

Janis Jones, Office Manager – Marcus Black DDS 

“We have been in the Christian Business Referral Guide for six years now and the response has been incredible.  Matter of fact, this year we decided to track our calls to see where our patients were actually finding us and we found out that we were getting more calls from the Christian Business Referral Network than even any other phone book we were in, including AT&T.”

Will Brown - Brown Boys Roofing

WE LOVE THIS NETWORK!!!! The Christian Business Referral Network has our FULL support. This has been a fantastic method of advertising that has blessed us, not only with jobs, but also with new friends. There are few things more fulfilling in our line of work than stopping the pain of a roof system failure. Whether it is a small repair or a roof replacement, being a superior service company for NWA is our passion. Thank you Brian Martin for allowing us to be a part of this.”

Fred Pilkilton - Fred Pilkilton Motors

"I just want to say that I've been with the Christian Business Referral Network for four years now and not only do I believe and support their mission, I help pass out their Guides.  When anyone buys a car from us we take the time to go over all the details of their new car.  At this time I hand everyone a Christian Business Referral Guide to keep with them at all times.  I explain that everyone in the guide has signed a 'Profession of Faith' and how important it is that we all support other Christ centered businesses.  In addition to the Christian Business Referral Guide, I also hand them a 'Manual For Life' (The New Testament), explaining that they can keep that in the car along with the car manual.  It's so important that we all do our part to share the Gospel of Christ and to support all Christ centered businesses."

Barbara Garvin - C. David Garvin, MD, PA

"You are the ONLY publication that we advertise in.  We advertise with you because "Christ" has been taken out of the workplace and we believe that we all need to put "Christ" back in our workplaces.  We have customers ask for and take The Christian Business Referral Guides ALL THE TIME.  We truly appreciate you and what you are doing here in this area. May Jesus Christ be with you and The Christian Business Referral Network."

Ann M. - Christian Consumer

"I just want to Thank You for my new Christian Business Referral Guide.  I'm old school and this is basically how  I do my business.  It is very impressive and I LOVE the spiritual aspect of it.  I love the Lord and I am so glad to find the encouraging words in it.  Again, I'm just calling to say Thank You and God Bless every one of you!"

Kim Griffith - Kim's Tax and Bookkeeping Service

"I own Kim's Tax and Bookkeeping Service and as you probably know this was the first year I decided to promote my business with you.  I am so glad I did because I'm pleased to say I have received a large number of new clients directly from the Christian Business Referral Network you make available here in the area.  It also allows me to support a much needed ministry.  Overall, I am really pleased and maybe just a little surprised because I have to say it has more than exceeded my expectations.  I've actually had my new clients specifically mention finding me in your Christian Business Guide."

Jamie DeBoard - Northstar Plumbing

"North Star Plumbing has been using the Christian Business Referral Network for advertising to our potential clients since 2015 and have been VERY pleased with the results. If you are looking for a reputable company to advertise your business with then LOOK NO FURTHER.  They can help improve your "call intake" (as they have increased ours) and many of these customers have turned into regular users of our services.  We track ALL our advertising and have found that the Christian Business Referral Network is well worth the expense.  The customers that call from this source are all very polite and easy to work with.  I would HIGHLY recommend the them to any company looking to advertise."